Prof. Lutz Köpke

Curriculum Vitae
born November 22, 1954, Koblenz, Germany

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1973-1979 Study of Physics and Diploma (with honors), University of Bonn
1980-1983 Doctoral thesis, University of Bonn
1983-1986 Research Scientist at UC-Santa Cruz, USA (Mark-II, Mark III)
1987-1992 Fellow and temporary staff at CERN, Switzerland (OPAL)
1987 Research at the Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel
1992-1994 Permanent staff at DESY (ZEUS)
since 1994 Professor of Physics, University of Mainz
2000 Research at the Amundsen-Scott Station, Antarctica
2002 Member ATLAS publication committee
from 2002 coordinator of AMANDA and IceCube working groups and other experiment committees
2003-2005 Institute Director
2004 Sabbatical leave at UC-Irvine, USA
2004-2007 AMANDA physics coordinator, head IceCube publication committee
2006-2011 Member IceCube executive committee, head IceCube supernova working group
2008-2009 Dean of the Department of Physics, Mathematics and Computer
2009-2010 Vice-Dean
from 2012 co-coordinator of the LOB teaching projects funded by the BMBF
2012-2018 co-coordinator of a PRISMA Excellence Initiative research area
2017 Sabbatical leave University of Uppsala
Service to the community
1996 Organizer HQ96 conference
since 1996 referee for Phys. Rev. Lett. and other journals as well as  for  DFG, BMBF, Helmholtz, Humboldt-, Studien- and Volkswagenstiftung
1998-2000 Member, ACCU and ACCES committees at CERN
1998-2008 Member of RCCDG, GridKa Technical Advisory and Overview Board
2003-2007 Member, Scientific Council Structure of Matter FZK-Karlsruhe
2003-2005 Elected Member, Committee for Particle Physics (KET)
2004-2006 Member, Committee for Astroparticle Physics (KAT)
2004-2008 Member Advisory Committee Astroparticle Physics of the BMBF
2009-2011 Member of the Senate, University of Mainz
since 2011 Member of the DESY Physics Research Committee
2011 - 2017 Member of the DESY Physics Research Committee
2017 co-organizer of MITP SNOBS workshop
2018 co-organizer of the International Neutrino Summer School
from 2018 Member of the "Kuratorium der Behnken-Berger Stiftung"
University committees
since 1996 Member of faculty council, student advisor, foreign exchange program advisor, head teaching committee, appointee for highly talented students, and member of several other senate and faculty committees

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