Detector R&D with the ATLAS experiment at LHC
- Development of high speed trigger electronics
- Development of the high granularity timing detector
- Development of Micromegas detectors
Prof. Dr. Volker Büscher
Prof. Dr. Lucia Masetti
Prof. Dr. Matthias Schott
Prof. Dr. Stefan Tapprogge
High-Granularity Precision Calorimetry for future collider experiments
- Structured scintillators with silicon photomultiplier readout
- Construction and testing of detector modules
- Test beam operation and analysis
Prof. Dr. Volker Büscher
Prof. Dr. Lucia Masetti
Prof. Dr. Stefan Tapprogge
Large-area optical sensors for future neutrino experiments
- Waveguiding technologies for light collection
- Spectral optimization using wavelength shifters
- Novel hybrid photosensor concepts
Research and development for the SHiP experiment at CERN
- Development of an scintillator-based calorimeter with high-precision MicroMegas layers
- R&D of liquid scintillators and their read-out for the surrounding background veto
- Simulation and analysis of new particles beyond the SM (Heavy neutrinos, Dark photons, ALPs) and background processes
Liquid scintillator development for future neutrino experiments (Jinping/THEIA)
- R&D on water-based and paraffin-diluted scintillators
- Scintillator optimization for dual detection of scintillation and Cherenkov photons
- Development of novel reconstruction and particle discrimination techniques
R&D for direct Dark Matter detection (XENON, DARWIN) and a Compton/pair telescope
- Photosensors in the Vacuum-Ultraviolet (VUV) wavelength range and their readout
- Electrodes for DARWIN
- Neutron detection with Cherenkov-Detectors based on Gd-loaded water (neutron veto system)
For more information about the experiments and the involvement of the ETAP groups please select the experiments on left side under Experiments or in the right menu. You can also get in touch with the corresponding contact person.