PRISMA+ Cluster of Excellence selected by the German Research Funding Agency

PRISMA + is the follow-up application for the Cluster of Excellence "Precision Physics, Fundamental Interactions, and Structure of Matter" (PRISMA), which has been successful in the previous Excellence Initiative and has been funded since 2012.

press release by the Germany Resaerch Funding Agency
press release of the university

Today the German Research Funding Agceny (DGF) has announce the selection of the projects that will be funded under the Excellence Initiative. An international committee of experts and the science ministers of the federal and state goverments has selected 57 out of 88 submitted projects.

The PRISMA+ project for precision physics, fundamental interactions and structure of matter which was submitted by the University of Mainz was among the selected projects.

The total amount of the requested funding is expected to be 64 million euro over the next seven years.